Giving Back
Viterbo Social Responsability Projects

Giving back is always in style and so is shopping for a cause. In collaboration with the #BuroGivesBack charity initiative, Gracinha Viterbo Head Couture will be launching an exclusive collection to help Children & Youth First, a Nepali NGO that supports the education of marginalised children through a boarding school facility called Life Vision Academy.

Viterbo join forces with Barbot for UNICEF (2011)
Viterbo joined Barbot Tintas (portuguese paint brand) in a UNICEF solidarity paint campaign for schools in Africa. Graça and Gracinha artistically decorated a giant Snoopy, which took part of the Snoopy Parade in Lisbon, sponsored by Corporate promotion and Peanuts.

Africa – Angola
Viterbo is beyond Interior design projects. We believe that Social Responsibility defines itself as part of what we are, and we want to go beyond from creating amazing Projects and bringing happiness to our clients spaces. This happiness and beauty can be translated into simple gestures that can make a world of a difference for the less fortunate.
It’s an honour to share with you our first steps in social contribution.
● Project to support the sporting talent Campaign for sports equipment, cleats and tennis, so that needy children have the best conditions for practicing sports.
● Project to Encourage creative talent campaign to collect art supplies for distribution in schools in Angola so that needy children have access to the material conditions and enabling them to explore their creative skills and artistic expression.

Teaming up with Pepsi & Cristiano Ronaldo
“Casa dos Rapazes”
Viterbo supports the social solidarity project to which Pepsi and Cristiano Ronaldo joined to complete the financing for the construction project of the new premises of the “Casa dos rapazes” (House of Boys) an institution that welcomes, cares for and educates boys. this support will allow it to complete the construction of the new home which includes a space for sports activities. The Viterbo integrates this mission by collaborating in the project of decorating the new residence. (2014)

Caring for Cambodia
Viterbo is beyond Interior design projects. We believe that Social Responsibility defines itself as part of what we are, and we want to go beyond from creating amazing Projects and bringing happiness to our clients spaces. This happiness and beauty can be translated into simple gestures that can make a world of a difference for the less fortunate.
It’s an honour to share with you our first steps in social contribution. Social project aimed at help needy families through the provision of hygiene supplies (2013).
Exclusive Collections


Gracinha during the launch of the Pixie coffee machine in Portugal.

When Star Alliance invited Gracinha Viterbo to participate in this world wide campaign their main request was to have an international personality “that you would like to sit besides in a flight”. The photo shoot was done by celebrity photographer Nigel Parry (
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